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purple to blue gradient with molecule icon on top

Support Basic/Pre-Clinical Researchers

1024 557 adm_pmcdi

We are excited to announce an open call to support a Catalyst Trainee Award (CTA) to continue to support ongoing Data Science and Analytics initiatives and innovative projects.

pink to organge gradient with white circle in middle

Advance Machine Learning

1024 557 adm_pmcdi
CLOSED ON JAN 26, 2022

The CDI program hosts a machine learning (ML) challenge open to the UHN community and beyond, interested in solving clinical problems using large datasets. Whether you’re an accomplished ML expert or a curious novice, you are welcome to apply, either individually or as part of a team.
The winner will be a lead author on a paper co-published with the data providers and key members of the CDI Data Science community.

Green graphic with white gradient squares rising up

Grand Challenge

1024 557 adm_pmcdi
CLOSED ON JAN 26, 2022

We are excited to offer the opportunity for leaders and collaborators in digital intelligence to submit proposals to work with the CDI team. Our call is for projects that align with us.